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Psychological treatment & assessment across the lifespan

PsychSpan's team of psychologists is now open for clients. You can contact us to make a booking through our website or call 03 8325 4000.

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What WE Do

Our Services

PsychSpan provides psychological treatment and assessment
for people across the lifespan.

Psychological treatment

We provide intervention services for a range of mental health challenges.

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Our team offers a range of parenting supports.

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PsychSpan offers the following groups. Interest is currently being take for groups for Term one 2022. Social Skill groups run weekly during school terms and Circle of Security runs weekly for 8 weeks at scheduled intervals (based on interest) throughout the year.  

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PsychSpan offers a range of psychological assessments including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cognitive Assessments, and ADHD assessments.

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Who we are

Our team of psychologists

PsychSpan’s team of psychologists is still growing. Click below to see more details regarding our psychologists and their variety of different skills and areas of interest.

meet our TEam

Get in contact

To get in touch with our team, please call 03 8325 4000, email, or complete the enquiry form below and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

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